Monday, June 2, 2008

For Great Justice: Entropy is Ever-Increasing

The war continues to escalate on many fronts with continuing assaults in all sorts of fun and creative ways. The next few months should bring a clear tipping point; under the mounting pressure, the cracks are beginning to show.

It's hard to overestimate the excitement over actor Jason Beghe's recent no-holds-barred denouncement of Scientology's practices. After spending 14 years and a million dollars, he left the cult last year and is now speaking out publicly, making his name synonymous with "brass balls" on the internets, as in "U guise showed real Beghes at the last raid". His interview with Wise Beard Man on caused the Sci's to get their panties in such a wad that they got WBM's YouTube channel temporarily suspended - along with Tory Magoo's - claiming some tedious bullshit copyright violation...y'know, the same old ploy. They don't seem to realize that there's no stopping the tubes. The entire interview is over two hours long & goes into great detail, but the original teaser gives a nice taste of the flavor:

He also responded publicly in the Village Voice to Scientology spokesman Tommy Davis' appearance on CNN. Note Tommy's appearance; looks like he ain't been gettin' much sleep.

Since the interview was released, he has made appearances at protests in San Francisco and New York. I got many lulz from the video of the NY protest when, responding to a hired security goon who told him that he couldn't stand on a public sidewalk, he said "You got any law behind that? I didn't think so." He also posts regularly on the message board at & on, passing on bits of information that he's getting from contacts still inside.

A couple of weeks ago he reported that the staff at the orgs are being told that Anonymous is picketing because they're being paid by pharmaceutical companies. Anonymous responded immediately:

Damn, I love these guys. Now, if someone could just get video of one of them saying this....

And that's not as unlikely as it might seem. Many of them are starting to lose it publicly; there's video of Scientology staff assaulting protestors, throwing coffee & water on them, stealing their signs and other unseemly behavior. The most fabulous example of this was "Reverend" John Carmichael, head of the NYC org, caught on video saying to a protestor, "I smell pussy. You in particular." The Village Voice has been covering the movement extensively and reports on this here (with bonus video goodness!):

At the following protest, the protestors were chanting "We smell cult. You in particular." Funny thing, though...since the Village Voice article came out, no one's seen John Carmichael. And it's been reported on that phone calls to the org for him are met with a "John? John who?" kind of thing.

Another major footbullet occurred at a protest in London, a classic example of Fair Game in action. A 15-year-old was given a court summons for refusing to take down his sign that called Scientology a cult. This is absolutely ridiculous, being that Scientology has been openly referred to as a cult in the English courts. Here's the BBC news story on it:

Unsurprisingly, charges were quickly dropped.

The live protests continue to gain steam; in addition to the larger monthly protest, an increasingly popular and effective tactic of mini flash raids has been employed. Since these are organized locally, the orgs are unable to predict when they will occur. Anonymous is also showing its ability to galvanize into action immediately; a report will be made on enturb about a Stress Test table set up somewhere & a few local Anons will show up to educate their victims about the nature of the tests. Freeway overpass mini-raids are starting to pop up where it's legal. The major media is starting to cover it. And all this is designed to disseminate information: the more the average person knows about the dangers of Scientology, the less influx of "fresh meat", as LRH called them. And since Scientology is organized as nothing more than a pyramid scheme on a massive scale, it will inevitably topple without this constant infusion of blood. Forbes magazine reported that Scientology's ads on Google and YouTube are costing them approximately 5.5 million dollars a month. They're starting to bleed out. And the movement is only gaining momentum: there are many projects in the works for The Summer of Lulz. In July, The Over 9000 Anon March is in DC at the reflecting pool on the mall.

The June Sea Arrrgh! protest - directed at Scientology's "elite" Sea Org - should also prove to be a big success, with it's lulzy pirate theme. If the website dedicated to it is any indication, it should be quite a party!

Another project in motion is Operation Over The Wall: Postcards From Paradise, inspired by Amnesty International's postcard campaigns to political prisoners. Lists of people being kept at Scientology's "rehabilitation" camps were leaked and postcard love-bombs with the toll-free ex-Sea Org phone number were sent. I loved this idea & had a lotta fun working on, far I've sent almost 300. This has been in operation about a month & the current tally is about 3500 cards sent from all over the world. There are rumors that this is driving them more batshit insane than they already are, but no solid information of the effects as yet.

This is only one of many operations nibbling away at Scientology's foundation. There are letter-writing & email campaigns to government representatives aimed at revoking Scientology's tax exemptions and lots of other creative and unexpected methods of disseminating information. At a recent mini-raid at a Scientology awards event - read fundraiser - about 40 protestors showed up at what they dubbed the AnonyProm, dressed in formal wear along with their masks and signs. Evidently, a couple of protestors had rooms at the hotel where the event was held, giving them access to the public areas. One resourceful FemAnon had printed out small slips of paper with web addresses and toll-free numbers for information on Scientology and how to get help if you want to leave. She went into the ladies rooms & unrolled the toilet paper, taped the slips into it & re-rolled them. And documented it all because, as they say on the internetz, pics or it didn't happen. Another project I am watching with interest are the actions of the Coalition Against Prank Calling, who strongly advised against calling Scientology orgs asking if they had copies of the new Battletoads video game. Anyone out there who is interested in the specifics of how not to go about this without being traced should read this informative and interesting thread:

Various other situations continue to play out legally. In response to Scientology's legal threats to Wikileaks for hosting all the leaked documents, they, not known for mincing words, replied:

"Dear Scientology, US law does not apply in the land of Vikings. Eat a dick in the name of Thor.

Sincerely, Wikileaks"

I am compelled to end this entry with a wonderful post by an Anon on enturb:

"On that note; a note to the Church of Scientology.We're EVERYWHERE. We showed up at your annual IAS ball and ruined your ability to milk people for money. Anons are on hotel staff - Anons showed up at your ideal org recently and things are only going to get better.
We were raised on spy movies, OSA. We've seen every James Bond movie, every episode of Get Smart and Dragnet, and watch CSI, 24 and Law and Order. Anything you do to try and spy on us - it doesn't work. Hiding in bushes? Driving a hundred feet and hoping you'll magically end up outside of our "circle of sight?" Sending out infiltrators wearing masks that blend right in to anyone driving by when the general public already knows Anonyous and now just assumes anyone wearing a mask in a group IS A MEMBER OF ANONYMOUS?And you wonder why your tactics are so ineffective, when we're completely transparent in our own tactics for five months now?
You fail, OSA, and will continue to fail in every possible aspect that you can. Scientology is failing in the courts, and all you have left to hang your hopes and dreams on is Gregg somehow folding or losing in court.The CoS has wielded immense power, so it never needed to update its spying tactics for decades. Once you have been challenged on a global scale, any method that you use is rediculously outdated, and whats worse, known to Anonymous. And any effective methods that you may stumble upon? Anonymous is already exploiting them to the fullest of our abilities. You're outclassed, outmatched, and outnumbered. "


1 comment:

RW said...

Great summary of the last few weeks/months Pam. The way you put it it's only a matter of time now!